Playing around

We are just loving this weather and I am having a good time playing with my boys! I just can't wait for Ben to walk so he can participate more in the outdoor play! I also can't wait for him to learn not to put everything he finds outside in his mouth! I think we are still at least a few weeks away on the walking. Aaron walked at 11 months, but since Ben was born early he is expected to be a little behind. He is 13 months now - I can't believe it! He is a determined kid! He goes after things I never had to worry about with Aaron, and if Aaron has something he wants he just takes it away from him. It is so interesting to watch to see how their personalities develop. My biggest prayer for them is that they would really grow up knowing how much God loves them and having the joy of the Lord. After writing that I realize how much I need to too!


Kimberly Jarman said...

They are getting soooooooo big!!!!

Lauren said...

Awwwwww. Ben is sooo cute! Aaron must be picking up speed these days on his trike.

Anonymous said...

Barbara! I can't believe how BIG Ben is! Wow! I wish Shelby had that much hair. She is cruising, but no independent walking yet, either. Her b-day is April 4th.