Baguettes, Brie and Frosted Flakes

After running and eating healthy for two weeks and gaining weight, I have decided that deprivation is not the path for me! I am once again sold on the concept of eating like the French, and I even think there is some good logic behind it! The French have an obesity rate of only 11% (while this is slowly on the rise as they embrace more things American), yet they eat an average of 45 pounds of cheese per person each year and eat tons of bread. One of the keys is the "satiability" factor - bread and cheese leave one feeling highly satisfied and less likely to snack. So, the last few days I have been having my French bread, jam and coffee for breakfast, cheese, small amounts of sweets, and lots of coffee. Another key factor is to do no eating in front of the tv, and to truly savor each bite and only eat what you enjoy. While a true French person would cry "sacre bleu" to this, I actually really like Frosted Flakes so that was added to my French cuisine today! I think the coffee plays a role as well, as coffee does seem to keep me from feeling hungry to snack. In addition to all of this, the French have about as many lingerie shops as bakeries, so that also seems to play a role in not overdoing it! I am keeping up with the running - I am actually enjoying it - but I am going to try to keep it social to add a little joie de vivre! I'll keep you posted on how this works.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I love this entry! HA HA! I love cheese...good to know that i might loose weight eating it! HA! Its fun to read others blogs. Have a great day!