
Late last night I was a little down and glanced at the blog and saw that I had new comments! It just picked me right up to see that my friends had "stopped by" and was a timely reminder of the lovely people in my life. Thank you so much! It also corresponded with my Bible Study topic from last night. In our small group we talked about the impact of words of encouragement, and I am motivated to really make an effort to remember to encourage the people in my life. Of course, right before I went to the study I said horribly mean things to my husband and I know I'll have to apologize and seek forgiveness. That is the hardest part for me - being humbled! It is so good for me though, and I am thankful that God can use even someone as hopeless as me!


AudreyO said...

I just stumbled onto your blog. Nice job. I enjoyed reading your posts.

My Blessed Life said...

I love our study. I am glad you are coming. I figure by the time we are finished with the book our husbands and kids will benefit from this book as much as we will. God bless you my friend.

Aimee- said...

Barbara I am so glad that we are all able to do this study! It's so great for us all! I am also very happy to see that you are in my group!! Its going to be fun learning together and being able to encourage each other each time we get together! I can't wait to grow from this lesson--

Growing Together in Him--