Ped Egg Review

I had seen those infomercials for the Ped Egg and just thought it was some goofy product, but then I saw it at Linens and Things.  I went online and read some good reviews of it so I thought I'd try it.  Back in the day when I wasn't trying to save $$ I would get regular pedicures, but now I am trying to cut that back but still have sandal-ready feet.  I bought the Ped Egg at CVS for $9.99 came home and tried it and loved it!  I don't know what makes it better than other pedicure tools I've tried but with five minutes on each foot my feet look much better!  I bought Damon his own because, well, some things I just don't want to share with him.  

So if you have seen the Ped Egg and wondered if it works, it does and you should buy it!

The Lazy Blogger

I am a lazy blogger.  I think it's because this blog started out as one thing and turned out differently - thanks to my friend who flaked out on me.  Just kidding!!! Ok, so I have been tagged a dozen times and haven't posted anything.   Here is a main thing to know about me - I am very rebellious and if you tell me I have to do something, oh I don't know, maybe by tagging me for example, I hate to do it!  So I am going to do Malinda's tag because it is the shortest:

1)  I like to paint on metal - abstract types of paintings.
2)  My favorite candy involves anything with chocolate and nuts.  That goes for basically any food category.  Chocolate and nuts make anything better!  
3) My ipod has probably the most diverse song list ever, including Chris Tomlin, Maranatha Praise Band, Clint Black, ABBA, Rob Zombie, and of course I wouldn't be allowed to live in this house without some U2. 
4)  My favorite movie is one that I probably shouldn't admit to watching - Office Space.  I think this the best comedy ever written and I pretty much have it memorized.  I also love all of those British movies with Hugh Grant in all his floppy-haired cuteness!
5) I, like Malinda, have my 20 year high school reunion coming up, but I haven't decided if I am going.  
6) When I first met Damon I thought he would be good for my roommate, but then I got the butterfly feeling in my tummy when I taught him how to two-step.  

So, there you have it.  The quick run down on me, and my compromise to the taggers of the blogosphere!


Taxes, teddy bears and tupperware!

Here are a couple of pics of Aaron - sorry Ben none of you today!  He has discovered making "funny faces" from his cousin Jacob.  He also has discovered the idea of a teddy bear and wants to take one to bed now.  He prefers to have all of the animals in bed though, as you can see!

Praise - we are getting a really big tax refund that will really provide a cushion as Damon gets the last ten or so pools he needs for us to live on his income.  I am trying to remember that it would still be a praise if we owed taxes because God would teaches us important things through that burden, but I am just really happy it worked out this way!!!

Ok, so I am trying to get my house more organized and I had one success this week.  I don't mean clean - I keep it pretty clean - I mean a good place and solution for stuff.  I went to the dollar store yesterday and got a couple of plastic baskets and organized my tupperware - throwing out anything without a lid.  When I say tupperware, I use that in the general term of anything that I put food in, whether it is true Tupperware or an old butter container.  You've got to love the dollar store!  So, one baby step down, thousands to go.  Speaking of, I think Ben is close to walking!  My goal is by his 15th month birthday he takes a few unassisted steps.  I know he was born early and all that, but it is time for the boy to walk!

The Goodyear Park Splash Pad opened yesterday and we are off to get wet!

Old fashioned fun!

Damon bought a sprinkler to attach to the hose and the kids love it!  This has been a daily activity since he brought it home, and mommy is very thankful for something easy and fun to do!  It just reminds me of being a kid and playing in the sprinklers on a warm Arizona day.  We always had a pool growing up, but there was something extra fun about running through the grass and jumping over the spray.  

My house is so disorganized right now I just need to get off the computer and get to work around here!  If I had $1000 right now I would just pay someone to find a good place for everything in the house and the garage, and I would just come home and it was all done.  In fact, I think I might start selling off Damon's stuff to come up with the $$$!  I'll need some extra cash to spend the day at the spa while it is being done.  So, instead of cleaning maybe I'll go log on to Ebay and see what guitars are going for these days!


I was at Women's Bible Study a few weeks ago and I had one of those awkward few minutes where I was just standing there with no one to talk to and feeling dumb.  Ever have those moments?  My insecurities sort of rushed over me and those gawky junior higher feelings of not fitting in surfaced.  Ugg, I hate those moments!  It got me thinking recently of insecurities and feeling inadequate, etc.  I am thankful for that moment (and the many others like it) because those feelings can drive me to the Lord to find my security in Him.  I was thinking back to a time about 11 years ago when I was at a party.  At the time I had just moved away and was back for a visit.  At this party was a group I had been integrated with for years through church and college, and since I was visiting I was sort of the "life" of the party.  I fluttered about and everyone wanted to see me and talk to me.  Damon was actually at that party and it was part of what first attracted him to me - seeing me completely in my element and lighting things up. Wow, sounds like I'm building myself but I really don't mean it like that.  That was a time in my life when I was often the center of things and from the outside there may have been some envy from others wanting to be in the center as well.  The part no one saw was after the party, when I was home beating myself up for hours for being too loud, too attention-seeking, too fat (I weighed a lot more then), too sarcastic, etc.  Have you ever done that?  Analyzed every move that you made at a party, on a date, out with a friend.  I used to do that with the precision of a surgeon - loathing myself for every wrong move.

What I realized from this contrast - one night being the "life" of the party and still being very nervous and insecure, and one night feeling alone and being insecure - is that our circumstances sure don't define our happiness.  I need to be centered on the Lord to be secure and sure-footed.  

Long post - sorry!  This was pretty transparent but I hope someone else can relate and join me in giving these things over to the Lord.  And for all my sweet friends - I know that I'm not alone but don't we all sometimes have those moments when we feel like we are on the outside?  I'm thankful for them - they remind me to cling to Jesus!

You guessed it!

Yes, a couple of you guessed correctly who the flower girl at my wedding was - Lauren Harrell.  Lauren was four years old, and cute as a button!  Damon and Malinda were friends from the college group at Scottsdale Bible way back in the day.  I got to meet the Harrells through Damon after we started dating.  I actually met Malinda for the first time when she was in the hospital after having Josiah, so that was close to about ten years now I think.  She must have been thrilled to have just had a baby and have a stranger come to visit, but I think she has forgiven Damon for that by now!  What a blessing to have them in our lives!  

Calling the credit card company . . . again!

Just a quick note.  If you saw my earlier post on calling to get the interest rate reduced, you know that I did that one day with all of our cards and got reductions in the rate.  Well, since we started the business and last year had to pretty much live on savings and credit every little bit off of the rate helps.  The other day I had to call Discover Card for an old statement, and at the end of the call the customer service rep asked if there was anything else he could help me with.  I said, "well since you asked can you reduce my interest rate."  He laughed, then said he would check.  After a minute he told me that he could reduce it by 5%!  After I thanked him, he asked again if there was anything else he could help me with (that must be the mandatory closing line), but it didn't work twice!  So the moral is keep asking and asking!  Here is a link to one of my favorite blogs - 

Get Rich  Great tools and motivation to really be purposeful with money and organized.