Ped Egg Review

I had seen those infomercials for the Ped Egg and just thought it was some goofy product, but then I saw it at Linens and Things.  I went online and read some good reviews of it so I thought I'd try it.  Back in the day when I wasn't trying to save $$ I would get regular pedicures, but now I am trying to cut that back but still have sandal-ready feet.  I bought the Ped Egg at CVS for $9.99 came home and tried it and loved it!  I don't know what makes it better than other pedicure tools I've tried but with five minutes on each foot my feet look much better!  I bought Damon his own because, well, some things I just don't want to share with him.  

So if you have seen the Ped Egg and wondered if it works, it does and you should buy it!


Meli_Mama said...

Yes I agree! It is the best thing ever! I just wonder how long it'll do a good job for.....

Lauren said...

Is this that thing that you rub on your feet and it supposedly removes dead skin?

My Blessed Life said...

I am so glad you posted this I was wondering if it was any good, everytime we see the infomercial Hannah says mom you should get that and now that I know it works I will go and get one tomorrow. Thanks!