Phrases a mom doesn't want to hear . . .

I have heard two phrases in the last few days that no mom wants to hear - thankfully they were separate incidents! The first one happened while Aaron was in the bathroom and I was in the kitchen and I heard him say "I pooped on my foot". Enough said! The second happened the next day while he was playing a computer game in the family room and I had stepped out in the backyard for a minute. He ran outside and said "I swallowed it". I froze in panic and calmly tried to determine what "it" was in this instance. As there wasn't any food out and Aaron rarely willingly eats I don't think it was something meant to be swallowed. Since he has also recently been putting odd items in his nose and ears, I think he has ventured on to swallowing odd things. I never solved the mystery, but so far he seems to be healthy and normal so I don't think it was anything like a battery or such. The day that this happened was hectic and I was a little on edge, but I have to be thankful to God that He allows days like that for me to truly decide if I am going to walk after the Spirit or walk after the flesh. If things were never hectic, if I always had help and support at just the right times, and everything ran smoothly I'd never have to seek after Him to make the hard choice to not "flesh out". I am thankful for days like today though! We saw our friends the Harrells at the park and had a wonderful time, and everything is running according to plan. It's only mid-afternoon though so we'll see what comes next!


Lauren said...

Wow. We all laughed at this. This was classic! My mom says she remembers these days. *wink!*

Aimee- said...

Missed you last night at Bible Study! I was looking forward to seeing you.

Aimee- said...

How is your little one doing today?