Generic soda

I remember as a kid being so embarrassed when my mom would buy generic soda for any gatherings where I would have friends in attendance. I was so worried about pleasing those people, and now I can honestly only remember one or two of their names. My parents were always frugal without being cheap. For example, we might have generic soda and mom bought a lot of our clothes at a store that used to be called "Smitty's", but they were always generous in taking family members out to eat. My dad would absolutely never go through a drive-thru for a soda (there are drinks at home), but he is always a generous tipper. Now, these many years later I see how my parent's decisions have paid off. All of those things that embarrassed me or made me feel like I was being deprived of somethings I can now see as wisdom. My parents never bought me a pair of Guess jeans, however they sent me to music camp. I never received any pair of shoes more expensive than $30, but they paid for my college tuition, room and board. Now they are entering into a comfortable retirement without the worries of so many of their contemporaries. I will not have the burden of financial responsibility of my parents as they age, as they have planned for their future. I think that was worth occasionally drinking generic soda! I actually just polished off a can of Safeway's store brand root beer, and I have to tell you it was really good!

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