Words of value

Going along with the Women's Bible Study topic of words, I am interested in what Jesus spoke of most during his time on earth. How does this compare with what I speak most of? Politics? Local gossip? Dieting? I thought there would be a website that actually analyzed all His words as recorded in the New Testament and did the work for me, but I haven't found anything so far. With my own reading though I do see a few things. He spoke of the Father and the kingdom of Heaven, He spoke in parables with tools for daily living the Christian life, but mostly I am impacted by whom He spoke to. He spoke to the people that society cared the least for and those seeking after Him. This week I've mostly spoken of things with little eternal impact, and I haven't really spoken to anyone other than those in my comfort zone. To be honest, when I do talk to someone out of my comfort zone I am nervous and not really genuine. I love looking at Jesus' life and seeing how comfortable He was with everyone. He didn't condescend or act nervous because He had a heart of love for them. I so want to be able to see people that way even if they are different than I am. If you are reading this, as you converse, debate, etc., I challenge you to really scrutinize whether Jesus would put the time and passion into the subject at hand. That is my challenge to myself - I am opinionated on a lot of issues that I think Jesus wouldn't really bother about at all, and I am weak on some things that He was passionately strong about. Oh the trouble I have with my words!


Late last night I was a little down and glanced at the blog and saw that I had new comments! It just picked me right up to see that my friends had "stopped by" and was a timely reminder of the lovely people in my life. Thank you so much! It also corresponded with my Bible Study topic from last night. In our small group we talked about the impact of words of encouragement, and I am motivated to really make an effort to remember to encourage the people in my life. Of course, right before I went to the study I said horribly mean things to my husband and I know I'll have to apologize and seek forgiveness. That is the hardest part for me - being humbled! It is so good for me though, and I am thankful that God can use even someone as hopeless as me!

Oh no I have a three year old now!

Aaron turned three last week, and it is like he has read a child development book and is right on cue with all that it means to be three. Everything he does now he wants to do "by yourself". As I try to buckle him in the car seat he screams "by yourself!". I know that I should correct the grammar, but it is pretty cute that he calls himself "you" and "him". He also has started the lovely habit of screaming "give it to me" whenever I take something away - especially if we are in public. I thought I had to work on being consistent in the discipline before - this is a whole new world. There are cute things too thankfully! Lately he has been saying "Mommy, you are precious", or calling me "Precious Mommy". Does it get any better than that? Last week he said, "Mom can you do me a favor and get me some juice", and I about fell out of my chair. I think every time I ask Damon to do something I say "can you do me a favor" and he is repeating my words. This has really hit home as to how important the words that I use are, especially since I am starting in on a Bible study regarding our words and how they can hurt or heal. I have always thought to apply that to my marriage and relationships, but I think I am seeing how important my words are in raising my children. What a great responsibility! I want my words to be affirming and loving, but so often I am negative and annoyed, or just saying things that don't need to be said. The only thing I know to do is be in prayer that God will help me stop to think before I speak (this is always truly miraculous with me) and choose my words carefully.

On that note - why don't I stop "talking" now!

Baguettes, Brie and Frosted Flakes

After running and eating healthy for two weeks and gaining weight, I have decided that deprivation is not the path for me! I am once again sold on the concept of eating like the French, and I even think there is some good logic behind it! The French have an obesity rate of only 11% (while this is slowly on the rise as they embrace more things American), yet they eat an average of 45 pounds of cheese per person each year and eat tons of bread. One of the keys is the "satiability" factor - bread and cheese leave one feeling highly satisfied and less likely to snack. So, the last few days I have been having my French bread, jam and coffee for breakfast, cheese, small amounts of sweets, and lots of coffee. Another key factor is to do no eating in front of the tv, and to truly savor each bite and only eat what you enjoy. While a true French person would cry "sacre bleu" to this, I actually really like Frosted Flakes so that was added to my French cuisine today! I think the coffee plays a role as well, as coffee does seem to keep me from feeling hungry to snack. In addition to all of this, the French have about as many lingerie shops as bakeries, so that also seems to play a role in not overdoing it! I am keeping up with the running - I am actually enjoying it - but I am going to try to keep it social to add a little joie de vivre! I'll keep you posted on how this works.